

Incorporated in May 2018 and an apostolate of the Diocese of Fort Worth, we are a  501c3 chapter of the National Christ Child Society, committed to improving the lives of children most in need in the Dallas - Fort Worth area.  Our membership is comprised of generous, committed women of various backgrounds with one common goal: to better the lives of children most in need in our community.   




Thank you to ALL our Sponsors and Donors!


Major Donors:


Jeff Adams

Robert and Susan Bauer

Sandi Franckenpohl

Arturo and Patricia Gonzalez

Jim & Jamie Horning

Linda & Rusty Jacobs

Elizabeth Heyne

Joe and Gerry Jackson

David and Suzanne Jasinski

Stephanie Laubacher

The Lynch Family

Father Raymond McDaniel

Larry and Susan Miller

Michael & Debbie Stephens

Aubrey Alan Stigall

Fred and Rose Stormer

Anita & Neal Thomas

Anna Treadway